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The Monterosso Farm

The farms that can boast tradition and technology like the Monterosso farm are few and far between.

Monterosso has always worked its lands in accordance to the criteria of biological agriculture with a belief in tradition and philosophy.


The farms that can boast tradition and technology like the Monterosso farm are few and far between.
Monterosso has been cultivating its land for over

100 years, situated in the Marche region on the border of the provinces of Pesaro and Ancona, between the towns of San Lorenzo in Campo, Arcevia and Sassoferrato.The aim of Monterosso is to offer the highest quality typical produce exploiting to the limit the area’s characteristic ecosystem.


In the past 20 years, Monterosso has taken control of almost all the production phases of its products. From the seed to the cultivation of the land. From the grinding to the marketing of the products.


The combined experiences of the owner, Mrs Lea Luzi, in the highly specialized experimentation and processing of the seeds, is renowned for having taken Monterosso to an acclaimed international level.


The Monterosso farm cultivates farro, corn, cereals, sunflowers and including fruit orchards and olive trees. The farm also produces silver beat, carrot, cabbage, cucurbitacee, fennel, onion, roscano, lettuce, corn, sorghum and fave seeds among many others.


In particular note is Monterosso’s equipment of modern technological machinery for the gleaning and selection of each seed. Although advanced with its modern technological equipment, the farming is still identical to that of long ago. It has become a lifestyle at Monterosso blending tradition with innovation that avails its products to the consumer that can rest assured that Monterosso’s products kept in the pantry are typical genuine quality: polished farro, split farro, flour and their 100% farro specialties of spaghetti, penne, conchigliette and riccioli.




From the Press



Chef, Domenico Maurici - Il Farro Caffe Trattoria 

“We need to eat with set standards. Associating eating with taste, flavor, quality and health. We must create trust in the origins of primary producers.”


The Bible - Ezekiel 44-30 

“Farro is mentioned with the Hebrew name of Arisab”, Still today with this grain are made the national dishes of Lebanon, Lybia and almost all of the Middle East countries with different names (Taboule, Kibbe, Salf).”

“Fondamentale”, The Italian Association for Cancer Research Newsletter

“On the role played by fiber in tumor prevention, particularly for colon an breast tumors, the consensus of scientists is by now very widespread”

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